Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day 4 - How Soon is Now?

I am thankful I have learned to control my temper, at least somewhat. Though in this case it's justified. After paying quite a bit for something and being given a 5-10 business days shipping estimate, I'm a little pissed to still not have my package 23 days later. Is it so much to expect things to be on time or at least not over double the time given? Luckily, I have managed to keep the e-mail I sent from getting further than snippy. Thank you maturity for finally kicking in.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Day 3 - Sleepwalk

Yay sleep! Sleep is one of the best things ever. I am thankful for the ability to do so as I've experienced some bouts with insomnia. So now I'm going to say thank you to sleep by doing it. *snicker*

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Day 2 - Breathe

I am having a love affair with my nasal spray. I can't seem to shake the sniffles from the cold my germ factory passed on to me last week and the spray is all that is keeping me sane. I wonder if perhaps using my Nasonex would help instead since my allergies might be affecting my nose but the Drixoral is like my security blankie and I don't wanna give it up. I might throw a tantrum if anyone tries to take it away from me. So today, that is what I'm thankful for. Drixoral nose spray, I love you.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Day 1 - I Owe You One

So I'll start out with one of the biggest things in my life to be thankful for, my friends. I don't have enough to win a popularity contest but I have the ones that count. I've had the pleasure of not only making friends but having them become my sisters. They have seem me at my best and at my absolute worst (tequila anyone?). We've been through marriages, breakups, makeups, long distance and still manage to behave like idiots when we're together again, which to me is the sign of a strong bond. We don't care about embarrassing each other. If someone does something that would make a stranger cringe, we're usually joining in or at least encouraging it. I am definitely lucky to have found people who love me for me, not despite my quirks but because of them.

What This Is All About

I've been thinking about the world and how people seem to take so many things for granted. I am one of those people. Things are just there, I've never really given any thought to why or how they got there/that way, they just are. Because I've never taken the time to think about it, I don't think I really appreciate the world around me and my life the way I should. Like many people, it seems most of my thoughts are about what I don't have or what I want instead of what I do have. So I am going to try and think of one thing every day that I am thankful for. It may be something big or something that seems insignificant but I'm hoping it will make me see that I've got a lot and the world isn't quite as against me as it seems to be in my mind.